Altair Embed Digital Power Intro

Introduction playlist to Altair Embed digital power

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Altair Embed - Digital Power - Simulation Blockset overview

Brief overview of the simulation blockset of the Digital Power Designer. In this video we look into and analyze a selection of bocks used for simulation (Compensators, PWM simulation, Voltage Mode Control simulation, Buck Converter).

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Altair Embed - Digital Power - Coefficient Conversion

Select/tune the coefficients of a PID compensator. Users can calculate the digital coefficients from the analog component values or can tune the coefficients on the fly.

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Altair Embed - Digital Power - Model Based Frequency Response Analysis

Details of the new block of the Digital Power Designer which lets user do a frequency response analysis.

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Altair Embed - Digital Power - Code Generable

Simulate blocks of the Digital Power Designer which can be later used for code generation to download to a microcontroller. These blocks can be both simulated and used for code generation without any alterations.

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